

Marketline Newsletter
For over 50 years, Aircraft Bluebook has been providing valuable information designed to give the most accurate, comprehensive and timely assessment of the aircraft market.

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Update: Fall 2016 Aircraft Bluebook CD-ROM Label

Attention Aircraft Bluebook CD-ROM customers:

When you receive the fall 2016 edition of the Aircraft Bluebook CD, you might notice the seal on the sleeve reads, "Summer 2016," rather than "Fall 2016."

Copies of the fall 2016 edition of the Aircraft Bluebook CD-ROM are sealed with a label that reads, "Summer 2016." This is an error with the label, not the disc or the data on the CD. Open the sleeve to verify that the fall 2016 disc is included.

This is a clerical error affecting only the label. The disc within should read, "Fall 2016," and include the fall values.

The fall 2016 edition of the Aircraft Bluebook CD-ROM should be inside and include the correct aircraft valuation data.In the unlikely event that your CD-ROM is not a fall 2016 disc, please contact our customer service team at 800-654-6776 inside the United States, +1-913-967-1719 outside the United States or